So here is a random thought that came to my mind while having a breakdown



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Isn’t crazy how sometimes the best sleep comes after a good cry.

I’m not really the type to get mad about stuff but I have those moments where I just lose it and is over for me. I could cry for hours and before I know I am sleeping a baby.

There’s just something about crying that has me feeling 20 pounds lighter. It’s like releasing so many emotions and it feels like I restarted my body.

Crying is good for the soul and I know I can’t be only to think so.


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So, I want to end this post on a positive a note. For the first time in a while, I’m going to take an advice from my own book. So far 2017 has been a hard year, it been a lot of more downs than up but I’m planning to end the year on a good note and enter 2018 with a fresh clean start.

So I am a very shy person and I feel I am at a point in my life where I wanna try new thing in life and just let go of the old. So my one of my good friend has a Youtube channel and she asked me to be a part of it.

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I was so scared of first because I feel people in social media are so judgmental and I didn’t really wanna put myself where I know my feelings could be hurt. But I put on my big girl face and faced my fears.

This was a big moment for me and it marks a new start. I need to stop letting my shyness stop me from living my best moments.




Now I bet some of you guys are wondering how is related to self-care. Well like I have said in the past self-care is the foundation.

The way we have to picture self-care as an umbrella and all the method of self care  just branch off it.  To me, self-care helps me express myself. Not letting anything get to me and just breaking away from negative energy. But for you it could be something else and thats okay.

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